Wednesday, July 15, 2009

An Insider's View of Marbella Spain

People love to travel to the in place and the in place changes over the years sometimes purely because people are so keen to find the next trendy in place. Some of these places are further afield and for those of us based in Europe with tighter budgets it is great to be able to rediscover one that is within easy reach. Marbella in the South of Spain falls into this category, and the image that it has inherited from the 1960s still has some truth but it posseses more depths and colours to it than that.

People were motivated to travel there because of the weather, and the Saudi Royal family contributed to making it what it is today, at least some aspects. What a tourist does not always appreciate is the heart of the area, the native people, the huge international community who have made it their home and a lifestyle that is hard to beat. Nowadays because of the economic climate there are some interesting property opportunities to be found there.

The Marbella area enjoys an especially pleasant micro-climate, and weather records show an average of 320 days of sunshine per year and only 45 days of rain. The international image of Marbella is that of a playground for the rich and famous, especially centring around Puerto Banus. Marbella and the surrounding area has much more to offer than just this, and makes a wonderful location for touring to other interesting parts of Andalucia as well as not going far at all as there is really no need to!

People who have travelled to many parts of Spain are often pleasantly surprised by Marbella and its surrounds. With a certain type of reputation the expectations are of something that perhaps lacks character in some ways, however this is not the case. Even touristic parts such as Orange Square- Plaza de Los Naranjos- are incredibly charming while at the same time unashamedly touristic. One can sit with a drink or a meal, intoxicated with the smell of oranges, the style of the people around and of course there are always some interesting looking tourists to watch. It is a very special place and is surrounded by those charming labyrinths of whitewashed Spanish streets which are filled with lovely boutiques.

Puerto Banus itself is a must to visit and depending on what you like as a person you may either love it or not as the case may be. During the day and early evening it is a wonderful place to take a stroll and admire the yachts and the cruising cars. As the dusk falls the scenery changes in the port, and creatures of the night emerge making it a venue more suited to the party going types.

Out of the port and in towns such as Marbella itself and San Pedro, there are a wealth of working cafes used mainly by the locals where you can feel the spirit of the area, and often find the best food. The local people are well seasoned to tourists and the majority of them will speak English to you, but with some encouragement they will speak in Spanish if you wish. Like anywhere it is necessary to at least attempt some of the local language in order to really feel the place.

There are villages like Istan and others within easy reach of Marbella which are somehow timeless and so very beautiful. In the surrounding area of Marbella within a 15 minute drive, you can choose a lifestyle that can either be sophisticated, peaceful and in tune with nature, or a simple Spanish village lifestyle which still holds the charm and values of years gone by - or of course a combination of all types.

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