Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Are you thinking of buying a timeshare? Read this before you do

Do you love to travel & dream of your next destination?

If you are like us, you are trying to manage a home, work, family & finances. Trying to juggle these life aspects and then to co-ordinate, justify and afford a vacation (or even a short getaway) is becoming an increasingly defeating challenge.

Who doesn't dream of someday taking an expensive, fancy vacation? The problem is, money still doesn't grow on trees and last time I checked, neither do luxury vacations. Oh, and how does one leave 'work' or like us, a 'home-based business' to vacation? Wouldn't the perfect scenario include a vacation AND an income source, all at the very same time? So okay, the perfect 'scenario' was obvious - we NEEDED to find a business that would allow us to both travel AND allow us to work from our vacation destinations! The perfect 'solution' however, was NOT so obvious! Where would we find such a 'dreamy' opportunity?

We managed to squeeze in the odd weekend away in nearby towns, but even they became rare. We simply could not afford to stay in a luxury room and to be honest, we had spent so long making our home our sanctuary, it became absurd for us to travel & spend money on related travel costs, only to be seriously disappointed by our accommodations!

Our kids are now fairly independent, so we knew that getting away would not be an issue. Our home-based business is very established and allows us to sneak away for a week or two, several times a year. It was the financial aspect that continued to 'block the road', so to speak.

We did a lot of research regarding timeshares. Although it would not solve the 'money' issue, it seemed to be the answer in regards to travel/vacation accommodations. Well, at first that is.

Generally speaking, we established that a reasonable timeshare cost for a 'mediocre' resort would be between $8000 & $15000. Much, much higher if we were looking to buy into a REALLY amazing one! This was an initial fee that did not include signing or legal fees. The average $750+ maintenance fee is payable EVERY year whether we used the timeshare or not. Oh, not to mention the 'special assessment' fees that are unexpected, short notice and non-negotiable. Our neighbor paid the equivalency of two maintenance fees on his timeshare this year, due to a 'mandatory' new-furniture remodel for the building.

We also found out that with most timeshare purchases, the yearly fees, etc., NEVER end! Timeshares are most often lifetime contracts that are also deeded contracts inherited by your children. What this means is a lifetime of payments for both you AND your heirs!

While considering a timeshare purchase as a possible option, we really started paying attention to our friends and family members who were timeshare owners. It became increasingly evident that ALL of them were regretful of their purchase. The number one reason of their dissatisfaction, across the board, was not the cost at all, rather the availability of units - or lack thereof! Owning a timeshare that you are unable to use seems to be the general complaint.

The original purchase price of your timeshare, combined with your yearly fees are the factor which determines your 'leverage' in terms of location, unit size/condition & availability. Truth is, if you got what you thought was a 'great deal,' it is unlikely you will be granted a luxury unit, at an exotic & popular destination during a desirable time to vacation. That simple. Ask around! There are nearly as many 'timeshares for sale by owner', as there are 'fish in the sea'...interesting isn't it? If they are so magnificent, then perhaps someone could explain why nobody wants to keep them?

Besides the obvious reasons for distinguishing our timeshare idea, this was not something that was going to generate an income for us & therefore the 'road block' was still firmly in place! Remember, the only way we can afford to travel, is if we can supplement our current income...preferably by working from a laptop computer from ANYWHERE in the world!

...Perfect scenario you ask?...

Well, long term, we are looking to sell our business & home in Canada & make sunny beaches & relaxation our new permanent lifestyle. A flexible & lucrative online business will be the driving force enabling us to see our DREAM become our REALITY!

...Closer than you think...

Charlotte Oscarson invites you to find out how to take a 'Better Way Vacation'. Take a look at how this Travel Membership and Business Opportunity can benefit you and your family in so many ways.

The cost is a ONE time membership fee of $3095. With that, you receive a lifetime travel membership, giving you access to more than 5000, 4 & 5 star resorts world wide AND the business opportunity allowing you to earn a $1000 commission for every membership you sell! You too are bound to make thousands of dollars with this stable & established business opportunity. Give yourself and others the luxury of working from anywhere in the world - just as we have done! There are NO yearly maintenance fees and no blackout dates. With this membership you do not purchase one or two weeks a year, rather an opportunity to travel to any of the resorts, 52 weeks per year, for the rest of your life, for $99 to $799 per week, per unit!

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